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Engaging.  Equipping.  Edifying.

Adults & Young Adults

Children & Youth

Church School

Sundays 9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. 

Pre-school through adult - teaches children Biblical lessons—adult lessons address contemporary issues, Biblical history, and opens discussion to areas identified by participants


Weekly Bible Study

Wednesday 7:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m.

Connects Bible history, people, events with  everyday life Bible study may take the form of chapter by chapter, verse by verse study or topical issues such as judgment, the meaning of salvation, personal spiritual growth


Community Wide Bible Study

Bible Studies on contemporary issues will be scheduled quarterly open to anyone who wishes to attend

Women’s Missionary Society  (WMS)

Open to all women (men may become affiliate members) Meets monthly by conference call Focuses on evangelism, community service, health, women’s issues, international outreach, and justice work—the local society is part of a larger group of missionaries located in four continents and thirty-two countries throughout the world. The WMS is an international faith-based, Non-Governmental Organization comprised of over 800,000 members.


Lay Organization

Open to all adults 18 and over - Meets Third Saturdays at 12:00 - its primary purposes are to create a love and appreciation of the History and Principles of African Methodism, keep the memory of Richard Allen alive, study and teach polity and the doctrine, discipline laws of the Church.


Sons of Allen

Open to all men - Meet monthly - foster closer relationships between men of the church, reach unchurched men, present positive role models for our youth, and address contemporary issues that impact African American men such as disproportionate suffering  from health problems such as prostate cancer, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease, inadequate health care, over-representation in the criminal justice system, and/or economic hardships such as unemployment, joblessness, and poverty, and the resultant psychological stress


Fair Havens Choir

Open to all members and non-members who desire to sing – rehearsal Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. (no rehearsal Thursday before the 3rd Sunday) ministry to the Lord through song during worship services giving God praise, thanksgiving, and honor through music


Senior Ushers

Adults 18 and over – serve as doorkeepers and greeters committed to sharing God’s love to all who enter our doors, they provides bulletins, indicate available seats, answer questions, and train junior ushers


Richard Allen Youth Council

Young adults 18 – 40 ministry to the spiritual, physical, emotional, economic and social needs of young adults regardless of religion, age, ethnicity or socio-economic status; engage in activities that encourage fellowship and maximizing personal attention


Hospitality Ministry

Adults trained in the handling of food and graced with the culinary gift,  work diligently to show its caring, compassion and love for God's people by providing nutritious and delicious food. Serves every fourth Sunday and whenever large groups visit Fair Havens


Health Ministry

Open to all interested in holistic health - works to support and promote Christ-centered health and wellness of body, mind, and spirit through education, seminars, and health fairs 


Food Ministry

Provides fresh vegetables and canned goods to community residents seasonally


Board of Stewards

Appointed by Pastor approved by Quarterly conference- serve as Pastor’s cabinet and support the vision of the church, encourage membership, promote social justice, evangelism, ensure financial soundness of the church, and provide an atmosphere of spiritual enrichment


Board of Trustees

Elected by church members - maintain and secure all the real and personal property of the church, inventory the church and all real and personal property; guard for the Connection all real estate, churches, parsonages, schools, and any other property obtained by the local church and make improvements upon the property or real estate when authorized to do so by a majority of legal members of the church


Stewardess Board

Women selected by Pastor confirmed by Board of Stewards assisting in the ritual of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper by providing the elements for the Holy Communion; dress the pulpit and altar with suitable, clean colored coverings consistent with the Christian year seasons, funerals and memorials; handling the flowers at the end the funeral service; support the other ministries in visiting the sick and shut-In.


Class Leaders

Appointed by Pastor – meet weekly with the members of their class, to determine how members are prospering spirituality and physically, to visit their members from time to time, and to receive what members are willing to contribute to the support of the Gospel


Deaconess Highly Esteemed Widows

Consecrated by Bishop they are to solicit the friendship and sympathy of the general public; cheer the fallen; feed the hungry; clothe the naked; seek out the homeless; keep the communion table replenished with the Sacraments and assist as directed by the pastor in the administering of the Holy Communion; and visit the infirmed.

Church School

Sundays 9:30 a.m. to 10:45  a.m.

Designed for children and teens aged 4 -18 teaches children Biblical lessons, builds character, promotes confidences, and develops positive self-image.


Young People’s Department (YPD)

Third Saturdays 1:00 p.m.  Ages 2-26. Develops friendship, provides training in service and participation in community service projects, workshops, educational programs, leadership opportunities and social outings that promote the development of confident, successful, Christian young people.


Drama Ministry

All children and teens K through 12th grade are invited to participate.  The Drama Ministry shares God's word and the Gospel through drama presentations.


Junior Ushers

K through 12th grade

1st and 4th Sundays affords young people the opportunity to serve learn the duties of doorkeepers and greeters in the church


Vacation Bible School

K through 12th grade - annually in July designed to reach all children those who don't normally attend church as well as those who attend on a regular basis to form a lifetime of memories, friendships and a solid Christian foundation


Community Wide Bible Study

Bible Studies on contemporary issues will be scheduled quarterly open to anyone who wishes to attend



Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons.

1 Corinthians 12:4


At Fair Havens, our ministries are about people - people who are wholly focused on God, powerfully filled with the Spirit, and happily united in a community of grace; people who vibrantly exalt Christ, openly perform works of faith, accurately

teach the truth, boldly proclaim the gospel in word and deed, and authentically depend upon prayer. 

Fair     Havens

African Methodist Episcopal Church

4416 Fairhaven Avenue • Baltimore, MD 21226 | P 410-355-8001

© 2025 Fair Havens African Methodist Episcopal Church. All rights reserved.

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